#California: Are thinking of buying or selling, is so mark your calendar for March 27th!
Remember, I don’t do loan, but I know of them. This announcement is a heads up of a new program available in just a few days. Remember, I am a REALTOR®, a real estate professional. I am here as you resource, when ever you are ready to buy or sell. You can reach me here: Contact me
Exciting news for First-Time Homebuyers! In just a few days, on March 27th, the California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) is launching a new program called “California Dream For All”. This program is designed to provide up to 20% of the Down Payment and Closing Costs for eligible homebuyers. #CaliforniaDeamForAll #CaDream #AmericanDream Click here for the web site:
What sets this program apart from other CalHFA programs is its unique feature of shared appreciation. What this means is that when the home is eventually sold, the initial 20% loan will need to be repaid along with a percentage of the appreciation, which is set at 15% – 20% with a cap of 2.5% of the original amount. Essentially, the shared appreciation feature allows the program to be sustainable over time, so more people can continue to benefit from it in the future. #SharedAppreciation #SharedEquity
While there are income limits and credit score requirements for the program, they are very generous, making this an excellent opportunity for many individuals and families who may have otherwise struggled to afford a home. The income limits for San Francisco San Mateo Counties for example are $300,000. While across the Bay Area, Alameda and Contra Costa counties loan limits are $282,000. While Sacramento is $202, 000, which is still very generous.

As a seller, this may be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
The “California Dream For All” program could be a game-changer for many people, as it offers an incredible chance for homebuyers to get into a new home with much less financial burden. This program could potentially help many families and individuals achieve their dream of homeownership, who may have thought it impossible before. If you’re a first-time homebuyer, be sure to mark your calendar for March 27th and explore this unique opportunity for yourself.
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The California Housing Finance Agency will be the administrator for the California Dream for All program, as laid out in Senate Bill 197. CalHFA is authorized to provide shared-appreciation loans to help low- and moderate-income first-time homebuyers achieve homeownership. The shared appreciation loans will provide funding to assist with down payments and closing costs.
Current Status
Program Design
The California Housing Finance Agency is currently drafting program terms for the CA Dream for All Program.
There were three virtual Listening Sessions on September 8, 16 and 20 for interested parties to share their thoughts and suggestions on how the program might be designed to maximize the use of the funds and how to best serve homebuyers.
CA Dream For All” on March 27th, which provides up to 20% of the Down Payment and Closing Costs for eligible homebuyers. With a unique shared appreciation feature, this program offers a sustainable way to help more people achieve their dream of homeownership. Don’t miss out on this excellent opportunity!
Source Loan Limits:
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